Apex Legends Mobile comes to an END, Battlefield Mobile also joins

Apex Legends mobile was one of the very few games that picked up the pace and popularity so quickly that it received the honor of being the best mobile game of 2022 from Google itself.

Unfortunately, the game did not even complete one year on the mobile platform and is finally shutting down in a few months.

Out of nowhere, the Twitter account of Apex Legends Mobile announced that they are sunsetting the game. The message from its developer Respawn Entertainment read that they have made the “painful decision” to sunset Apex Legends Mobile but it did not come with ease.

There wasn’t any detailed explanation as to why they took this step but according to their statement, it looks like they were not able to maintain the quality of this game.

On the official EA website, the developer said that even though they had a strong start, they were not able to maintain the quality, quantity, and cadence of this game. And after months of discussion with their development partner which I believe they are referring to EA, they have made a mutual decision to cancel their game.

This has surprised many and players were not expecting this at all particularly because the game was already one of the most popular titles on mobile devices with hundreds of thousands of positive reviews and over 40 million downloads that generated $55 million in revenue.

Respawn Entertainment will shut down the game completely on 1st May at 4 PM Pacific time. So, players can enjoy the game for 90 days more. However, the developer has disabled all real money purchases in the game but players are allowed to use all of their syndicate Gold during this time.

battlefield Mobile

Now, this is not the only game EA has canceled but the Battlefield Mobile is also coming to an end. The game was not even released completely and was in the open beta phase since November 8, 2022. It was only available to play in a few regions but before it could roll out to other countries, EA canceled the game in a public investor call.

This will also supposedly cause the shutdown of the developer Industry Toys which was solely dedicated to making this game for both Android and iOS devices.

Source: EA
