
Asus Responds to the Worldwide Router Outage Problem

asus router

Asus is already getting called out for its bad motherboard firmware and now its routers are also getting wrecked by Asus’s own drivers.

This new issue has affected hundreds of thousands of Asus routers around the world and a few days ago, several users complained on Reddit that their Asus routers were going offline for apparently no reason.

It was found out that this was not by accident as a lot of users around the globe have been suffering from the same problem for several days.

Now the company has issued an official statement on its website stating that its technical team has found an error in the configuration of the server settings file which was causing the interruption in the network connectivity.

Even though they say that the issue has been fixed which has been also confirmed by the users, they did not explain or list out the exact issue with their server settings file until a Reddit user u/thedevicemangelr gave a possible cause for the corruption of the configuration.

He said that it was due to a faulty automatic update of the definitions file for ASD which is a built-in security daemon. This caused the routers to run out of filesystem space and memory and as a result, they started crashing.

Now the company has fixed the issue by providing another automatic update but it also recommends anyone who still has the problem to hard reset their routers.

That said, the crazy part about this problem is not the problem itself but how negligently Asus responded to it. It took several days to even release a simple acknowledgment which was affecting so many users across the globe.

This is why many users have lost their trust in the company which used to be the gamers’ choice for their PC hardware.
