
Microsoft is making another Xbox console

Xbox console

In a recent statement, Microsoft’s CVP of Gaming Experiences & Platforms Liz Hamren confirmed that they are working on Xbox hardware and platforms.

However, Microsoft recently released the Xbox Series X/S and users might be thinking that they should have waited to get their hands on the latest model that Microsoft is working on.

But the interesting fact is that the upcoming product that Microsoft is currently working on, might arrive one or two years later and there is no confirmation of what kind of product they are working on. Moreover, there was no indication that I will be a new console either.

Therefore, it is quite hard to confirm that we are going to see a new Xbox console according to what Liz Hamren pointed out. It could possibly be an Xbox Elite Controller Series 3 or an Xbox Wireless headset or even we might be lucky enough to get a new console that will feature 4K / HDR / 60fps as standards.

However, according to the given statement of Liz Hamren, Microsoft is branching out to PC and Mobile to expand their horizon and they are in the hope to deliver the best consoles in the upcoming days.

As of now, there is no confirmation on their latest works but gamers can get expect a lot of things from Microsoft’s end in near future.

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