
Raiser Games and UPlay reveal Youtubers Life 2 trailer

Youtubers Life 2

Raiser Games and UPlay Online today revealed the next sequel of Youtubers Life that is the Youtubers Life 2. The game tailer shows how you can become a famous Youtuber and fulfill your desire in the game rising above everyone.

The game allows users to hunt for the new trends that most creators are unaware of that allows them to create fresh quality content. You can play as ErenOMG who in the trailer can be seen going to a game store buying the latest console games that will help the guy increasing his influence on his audience.

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Or you can play as Diana who plays wolleyball, dances and takes a haircut at the saloon to change her appearance. Players will get a drone which will help them to record their journey as they step outside their homes and explore three different neighbourhoods: The Hall, Downtown and the Port.

Each of these will have unique stores, leisure centres and Youtubers with whom you can build relationship. You can also customize your home and your gaming setup as you like by purchasing the accessories and peripherals as you increase in popularity and grow your money.

Youtubers Life 2 is a game that entirely reflects the community feedback we had from the first game,” adds Quim Garrigós – Project Director & Co-Founder at UPLAY Online“Fans wanted us to have more social content in the game, a deeper relationship with other Youtubers, more customization options, and the discovery of the emerging trends real life content creators are currently dealing with. It’s resulted in a game we think will give players the opportunity to tread the path of becoming a successful Youtuber.”

Youtubers Life 2 will launch this year on Steam, Playstation, Xbox and Switch.

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